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What is a consultant arborist? 


Professional level consultant arborists are qualified and insured to provide advice on trees, tree care and building around trees. 

A good consultant arborist should be able to guide decisions about tree pruning several alternative solutions in addition to “remove or keep”. Tree pruning and forest management has come a long way in recent years. In many cases it is possible to achieve a win-win solution by achieving the goals of the developer, council or other authority while preserving the trees and their many benefits.

How is a consultant different from a practicing or contract arborist?

There is an arborist-toronto for purely consulting arborists. There is also an established ethos among professionals to advice independently of pruning or removal work. Many communities in Sydney support this concept. It allows tree care decisions such as removal, pruning or other measures affecting trees to be weighed against the bigger picture: the urban forest.

Independent consultants also consider the context and explore reasonable alternatives before making a decision without any perceived or actual inclination to work with tree pruning.

How can a consultant arborist help?

If you’re still reading, you have probably a specific tree issue that affects you, or you know the industry and how complex tree issues can be Future) and legal and planning issues.

Sometimes there are multiple participants in situations with different and often conflicting priorities. This morass of problems is part of the day-to-day work of a qualified and experienced consultant arborist, but there is always more to learn. An ethical arborist will state openly if a particular situation exceeds his or her level of experience or knowledge. Click here to read the code of ethics followed by accredited members of the Institute of Consulting tree pruning trimming toronto.

So, in what situations can a consultant arborist help?

Here are just a few examples:

  • Written instructions for tree trimming near buildings under construction
  • Detailed advice on improving the health and condition of trees around the launch 
  • Reports that comply with City Council development and planning rules, including assessment of the potential impact of site work on tree pruning
  • Tree risk assessment and management recommendations for trees in public places, schools, playgrounds, streets and private property 
  • Find out if tree roots are causing damage to buildings or structures and what are the ways to avoid more damage 

Careful selection of species for planting new trees to optimize the ability of trees to build and increase biodiversity by considering underutilized trees. Consulting arborists with design qualifications like tree pruning trimming Toronto can also suggest design solutions to achieve the functional and aesthetic design. 

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