Home Improvement

What Should I Do If My Pool Water Turns Green?


Green looks good in the wallet and not in the swimming pool. Almost everyone who has a pool has dealt with this situation at one point. Pool operators know how menacing this green can be but what exactly is it?. Your pool water will turn into 50 shades of green due to the presence of algae. This invasive species blooms in hot climates and stillwater. Ideally, the pool is the perfect breeding ground for them. But do not worry in the article below we tell you how you can deal with this –

The main causes

First things first, although the green might be a cause for concern, it is extremely common. You need not fear things or fret about them in any way. This common problem has some really easy and simple solutions that work every time. There are multiple reasons for green water but some of the most common ones are

  1. Algae in your pool
  2. Copper ions freely floating in your pool water


Algae growth is hard to track as it spreads very fast. One day you can have clear water and the other day you can have an emerald pool. The different shades of green are usually an indication of how far the infestation is and how serious it is. As mentioned earlier this invasive species thrives on sunlight and stillwater. Thus pools are a favorite for them. A pool perfectly mimics the conditions of a pond or a lake. With the lack of predators in the pool, the algae population grows unchecked and haphazardly too.

The algae can only plume and attach itself to the surface of the pool. If this is the case, you are lucky as it is easier to deal with. Nothing can ruin a fun pool day like a layer of algae in the water. The green menace is not like the movies where it looks all pretty and Disney-esque. It is mostly emerald or sewage green in color and sticky. The water will be murky at best and this is an important distinction while finalizing why the pool water is dirty.

Copper Ions

Copper ions have a tendency to dissociate from the materials and roam freely especially in the presence of water. They can come from anything that might have copper in its structure and react quickly with water. The reaction leads to a green tint that is not murky or cloudy. This is an important distinction while determining the algae or copper problem. The copper imparts a green color to the water which might not be noticeable at first but it generally becomes more significant as time passes. It is usually due to the circulation lines that have copper.

It is important to note that copper ions are actually very clear and rarely murky. Tint like nature is important in determining that it is copper and not algae that is the cause of the problem. Wrongly identifying the cause can lead to wrong solutions.

How can you fix it?

There are many ways one can go about cleaning a brisbane pool. Most of the forums and people never talk about identifying the problem beforehand and end up with trial and error. To avoid the hassle you must first identify what the problem is and how you can tackle it. Algae and Copper ions both have different methods and it can take a significant amount of time if you mess it up. Be 100% sure.

The Algae solution

Algae might be troublesome but over the years people have perfected this solution to almost an art form now. The pool can be rid of algae the same way you would treat murky or cloudy water. There are only 3 steps to this, and they can easily fix your problem.

  1. Chlorinate
  2. Backwash
  3. Clean

Chlorine stops the growth of algae and also kills off the lives of ones. Raising your chlorine concentration to something around 4ppm will definitely do the trick. After the chlorination is done you should give your trusty filter a very good and thorough backwash. Skimming and brushing the pool should also be on your list. Do not forget to vacuum too. After all, this is done the final step would be to circulate the water in the pool for 6-8 hours. This way it is guaranteed that the water will be clean and algae free.


Algaecides are chemicals that kill and stop the spread of algae. They are like insecticides but specific to algae. This is best left as a last resort as it will definitely reduce the algae population but getting it out of the system will take some while. The 3 steps mentioned above are more than enough for 99% of the situations.

Copper Ions And How To Curb Them

This is the easier solution out of the two and the very different approach is the reason why you should find out the source first. Copper can be removed from water very easily with products like “Metal Out”. It removes the mineral content from the water very easily and gives you copper-free water.

Make sure you don’t raise the amount of chlorine in the pool as it will react with Copper and leave permanent marks and stains on the pool walls. The only way to repair this would be to resurface the pool.

Preventing Copper Is The Key

When it comes to copper ions and the menace caused by them it is best to check your pool chemistry in check. If t becomes corrosive it will lead to freeing up of copper ions and the resultant green tinting. By checking the pH balance regularly you can avoid it easily. This also prevents long-term damage to the pool’s circulating system.

Regular checkups extend the life of the pool and its machinery. A functioning pool leads to a lot of fond memories and relaxed times in the summertime. Take care of your pool with the above-mentioned method, and we assure you a very long and satisfying pool experience.

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